What features does Readymag lack the most?

  • loop layout and more function for e-commerce product
  • Hover animation for the color on text

That’s possible. Use ‘Color swatches’

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I think including a lottie file feature would be great. Appreciate this can be done in code-injection simp ly. But I do see other platforms touting this as a feature!

Could imagine this being similar to the ‘Shots’ feature, it really falls into the same ballpark as that. Would be no different than selecting ‘gif/video’ or ‘lottie file’.


Sure, but when I try to change a color swatch, it doesn’t change the swatch but rather just the selected widget’s color and give the option to create a new swatch, instead of changing the color in all widgets with the selected swatch, which I don’t know it to be possible at the moment.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear before, I hope I explained myself better now.

I would like if there was a better load scroll animation. it kind of jitters right now and doesnt have a continuous smooth scroll


Hi @gokuonatree this is possible using some code an applying it to the data-id’s you want to target.

[data-id="PASTE WIDGET ID HERE"] > div {
  -webkit-user-drag: none;
  -khtml-user-drag: none;
  -moz-user-drag: none;
  -o-user-drag: none;
  user-drag: none;
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I sometimes think the fewer features, the better (given that I mean only the important ones are there). Readymag maintains that and that is what I love about it. So far, I could think of think two features that would be useful:

  1. Dragging and dropping SVG files
  2. A button that enables users to see all the animations’ maps together, it gets easier to make the layout in that way

Support for Animated PNG will be awesome.

Better keyboard navigation would be good, an ability to navigate the image slider pips or select a video thumbnail on a page.

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Take a look at this solution! What are you using for a blog? - #6 by HEADLESS.HORSE

STABILITY, STABILITY, STABILITY before any new features are added.


Must have

  • shortcut to copy and paste widgets’ style the same way we can already do it for animations.
  • mask elements and ability animate the mask and widget independently.
  • shortcut to see the distance between specific elements (like the option shortcut in Sketch).
  • align several widgets with an equal space between them horizontally + vertically.
  • Fix the copy and paste so the pasted element appears right above the copied one in the layers.
  • Translation capability for multi-language without having to copy-paste all pages.

Nice to have

  • Blur as an effect in animations
  • Marketplace for custom code generated components, user generated.
  • 3D Widget animation based on mouse position (only available for shots for now).


  • auto figma to readymag chrome extension

Light/Dark mode button please.

We’ve actually done such a template already :slight_smile: ‘Readymag templates: Link hub’

I support the message

I would love to see a blog option that is native to Readymag rather than using an external source. I wonder if I’m alone in this?


svg drap and drop as well as being able to add hovers, and all the stuff normal text can do. It’s so annoying to research how to figure out how to do this in the most simple way. What a headache.

what about something similar to adobe’s character styles or like span tag? Also, I think it would be great to add padding to a text box itself rather than adding it to a text style.

Auto layout is desperately needed - look at how Figma does their auto layout and offer something like that.

The ability to drag out our own guides from left, right, top, and bottom, similar to how Photoshop or Illustrator does this with its rulers.

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A color picker would be great and more trigger for animations

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