Paid, quick turnaround custom code

I’m looking for help. I have a single page ReadyMag website design that requires custom code to function how I need it to.

This job will hopefully take an hour or two. We’re looking for a short zoom meeting (20 mins max) and then the code created and installed into the readymag website, with a short review following this.

The function I need:

Currently a user can click on 1 of 4 ‘questions’ that trigger a collection of content to appear for each question. This content includes text, images and video. The current trigger is a ‘click’ 0>100 Opacity. The content is appearing perfectly fine. However when one clicks on a second question, the content from the first question does not automatically disappear 100<0 Opacity. Instead, the content from the first question clicked remains and the second batch of content overlays ontop.

Since ReadyMag does not offer multiple variants for the same Click animation on an element, I can’t do this myself and have been advised that it should be easy through custom code.

Other notes:
When one clicks on an already open question, it doesn’t bring that content to the front. I can clarify this once we’re working together.

It is important to note that within each Questions content group, each piece of content can be clicked to trigger a larger version of that piece of content that can then be closed by pressing an ‘x’.

Hi there, I recommend you reach out to neueMETA. His coding is excellent and will get you what you need. He’s a regular contributor to this forum and can be contacted here: