Shrink browser address bar when scrolling + click on upper iOS bar to get to the top of the page

Hey guys,

I was wondering if these two issues are just on my site or if this is an overall problem? Normally when I browse websites on my iPhone with Safari the browser address bar automatically shrinks. Also when I click something on the top bar (like the clock in the top right corner) the browser goes right to the top of the page.

I really want to make that work on my projects as well. Could you help me please?

Thanks and kind regards, Tim

PS: I’m referring to my actual project


I have noteiced, that if the website is structured as every page is sitting beneath the next one (vertical page order) the adressbar is sliding out, but if you have your project set up as horizontal order this is not working. I haven´t found a solution for this. I think it is because of the way readymag handles the scrolling. Depending on which page order you have selected a different container is “scrolled”. In vertical order the browser recognizes this. in other not.

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Is there anything else other users found out? I still haven’t found a good solution and it’s a pain :confused: Thank you guys!

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any solutions readymag??

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Well I have no solution yet! So please Readymag, help

@bjbrown @tim0394
Hey! It depends on your Preview settings:
– when ‘Stack pages’ is on it shrinks,
– when it’s off it has constant size

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 12.02.07