Unable to play embedded videos on google chrome

Hi! I spent a lot of time embedded videos with custom code, (as someone who has no experience with coding it was difficult for me lol) but now I’m seeing the videos are not appearing in google chrome, but appear fine on safari. I did all these steps in hopes it would play from this article
but still nothing. I’m afraid if I send my portfolio as is and ask people to do all these steps it’ll discourage them to look at my portfolio. Should I cut my losses and just add a link instead? Some video files are over 50mb so I cant upload all

well, would be helpful to see how your code looks…?

figured it out, just needed to use different data ID for both chrome and safari

Hi! If the videos work on Safari but not Chrome, you might want to check Chrome’s console for errors (F12 to open Developer Tools). Ensure your embed code is up-to-date and consider using a video hosting platform like YouTube or Vimeo for large files. If needed, adding a link as a backup is fine. Good luck with your portfolio!