Privacy Error on my website

For some reason my website keeps showing me privacy error (Vics World | Readymag) this website is my portfolio. I also contacted support and they weren’t much help, they just ghosted me. I need this website to be seen, please help!

Hello Victor! The link is working for us :thinking: We’ve also replied to you over email, could you please check it?

Hugo from our team has emailed you last Friday.

I have the same issue. Can you please help me out? I have a submission. is the link for my website

What I had to do is go back and forth with support. In the end I realize it was my wifi that wasn’t allowing me into my website. I also ended up purchasing a domain and again going back and forth with support, and now my website works.

What back and forth did you do? I have already bought a domain so

Hello! Please send an email at, we’ll be able to help you over email :slight_smile: