Error 502 - Bad Gateaway

Hey! :slight_smile: I’ve been trying to make my website for the past half an hour but readymag seems down for some reason. Everything is very laggy with only 1 text widget, when i try to visualize as a published website it doesnt update… and now its giving the " 502 Bad Gateway" error :((

is this happening to anyone else?


Yes, I am currently experiencing the same problem :frowning:


Yes I am having the same problems, also error 504.I just subscribed I am making my portfolio, I have a deadline, is so frustrating I can not work on it :frowning:

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has anyone heard from readymag about it? i’m also having troubles with it, just bought a 1 year subscription and it’s so frustrating

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Hello! We’re having some technical issues, we are very sorry for the inconvenience. The team is working on a fix. You can check the current status on our status page.

I am still having the same problem, it hasn’t been working the whole day. I have also tried different browsers but nothing works.

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Yes! ^^ to be honest in my opinion this is unacceptable for a platform providing a service like this.

Reconsidering using Readymag as my go to for clients and myself.
Taking any suggestions if anyone has any!

(Edit: I didn’t realize this original post was 7 days old WOW.
Also wouldn’t suggest making any edits as mine continuously keep getting undone…

In my opinion it’s definitely unacceptable for a company trying to provide a service like this. I can’t imagine if Squarespace or Shopify went down like this while business depend on it for sales, leads, etc. etc.)

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I have been trying to finish my portfolio website today and share it but their servers has been down for like 7 hours by now. No explanation or acknowledgement till I post it on their instagram account. And they just say they are sorry. I just started a subscription yesterday but I am gonna cancel it now.


Yeah at this point I wouldn’t advise against it.
This is ridiculous.

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We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the recent service interruption. Readymag has been the target of a major and unusually severe DDoS attack over the past few hours, and our developers have been working tirelessly to mitigate the impact and secure our servers.

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