Job: Responsive ReadyMag freelancers

Hello Designers :slight_smile:

I am looking for a freelancer to work on an editorial site that focuses on books. It’s a site dedicated to exhibiting and creating a discussion around rare and hard-to-find books based in the UK. It is an 8-page site with one of the pages able to accompany a large array of books (up to 200, potentially).

Styling is based on the example here > THE NEW OPEN

The client is ideally looking to launch in May (even a skeleton but happy to have a discussion on how that fits in with your workload as it is tight).

We have a basic wireframe with functionality mocked up.

We are looking for people who have experience designing in ReadyMag and European/UK based.

Hello Chris. How can I contact you?

Hi Chris,

The styling example is a great reference, and I am well versed with ReadyMag. I’d be happy to discuss how I can contribute to the project, considering the tight deadline for a May launch.

Please feel free to share the basic wireframe with functionality mockups, and I will look into how I can help bring this project to life.

You can reach out to me on my email here
