I Need Help with Customizing Readymag Templates

Hello guys! :heart_eyes:

I just jumping in cause I am new to Readymag myself and I am having a bit of trouble customizing the templates. I am looking to make my project pop but I am stuck on these things:

  • How can I easily drag and resize stuff in the templates to fit my layout?
  • I wanna use my own fonts and colors, but I can’t find them in the options. Can I upload my own somehow?
  • Buttons, hover effects – all that cool stuff. How do I add that in Readymag?

I also check this: https://forum.readymag.com/t/looking-for-help-in-speeding-up-my-readymag-pagegenerative ai But I have not found any solution. Could anyone I have been searching online for help but I am still lost. Any advice or a quick walkthrough would be amazing! If you have any tricks or helpful links, please share them!

Thanks in advance! :innocent:

Respected community member :saluting_face: