Hide Pages during Site Navigation with Arrows

Is there anyway to hide/skip website pages as a user uses the left/right arrows to navigate? For example, hiding a “terms and conditions” page of legal text intermixed with product or portfolio pages?


I’m wondering too! Has anyone found a solution to this?

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Would love to hear a solution to this. I like the stacking pages feature but I don’t want users to scroll down into external pages.

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well. there is no way to achieve this though. You could only set up a second project and connect it with a subdomain and use this document as a second “level”. Or implement the second project inside the first with a iframe and fading in/out the iframe on click… But then you will not have a direkt url to this page…

feels like a clunky way of doing it, would it be impossible for readymag to allow users to quarantine certain pages so you cant scroll to them

Also wanting to know this!