Modifying Shape widget with simple CSS code

Hello there!

Dear community, could you please point on my mistake? And may be my idea isn’t possible to realize for some reason.

I want to modify simple Shape widget with simple CSS code. I want to do this because i have few media resolutions and don’t want to duplicate this shape few times.

So. I’m trying to do this with such code:

[data-id="636e0aa5de32fb003d8ed616"] div {
border-radius: 0 0 30px 30px !important;

Result is here

Thank you!

I got the decision. I’ve modified code and next code is working well. I’ve deleted addition div tag before first square bracket

[data-id=“636e0aa5de32fb003d8ed616”] {
border-radius: 0 0 30px 30px !important;