Issue with website preview when sharing to LinkedIn


When I try to share the link to my website on LinkedIn, the preview is of an image used on my old website, which was hosted on an entirely different platform. I’ve checked the ‘Social Sharing’ section on my Readmag project, and it’s showing a screen shot of the current website (as it should be). Is anyone able to help me figure out why the preview image hasn’t updated for social sharing please?


I’m also having trouble getting my website to show up in Google search results, and it was published this time last week. Is anyone able to help with this too please?

The issue with the preview image has now been solved, but my site still isn’t showing up in the Google results!

Hi, I’ve experienced something similar so far, so chances are you’re posting and manually changing your website cover on LinkedIn.

well you manualy have to tell google and co to crawl your website again. for google you have to sign in to google search console, legimate your website with a TXT entry in your domainproviders dns settings and then you can push the recrawling… there for sure are some "how to"s out there.

Without this, it can take up to two month for google to recrawl.

The Linkpreview image update also have to be pushed manually. Mainly every Social Media platform have a form with which you can push the recaching of your previewimage.

Thanks for the help! I’ve managed to update my preview image on LinkedIn, and I’ve received an update from Google’s Search Console about why some pages on my site aren’t being indexed