Interactive Sound design

Hello everyone,

I would like to know how to activate a sound whenever I hover over an icon, without having to click or have the Readymag sound widget displayed (SoundCloud thumbnail too big to hide).

Can you guys help me ?
Thaaanks :call_me_hand::sparkles:

Hey, you have to find out how to address your icon element, depending on how you created it.
Here I adress it using the class selector “.icon”.

Put this in a custom code widget:

<audio id="mp3" src="addyourURL"></audio>

var audio1 = $("#mp3")[0];
var icon = $(".icon");  //----- exchange this to your icon.

 //Play the file when the mouse leaves the icon
         icon.mouseover (function (){

 //Pause the file when the mouse leaves the icon
         icon.mouseleave (function (){


Is there any tutorial about this topic? I also would like to include sounds in my buttons, seems like an obvious feature that is missing. thanks.

I’m interested in this as well. Have you found anything?
