Creating button navigated slide show

hey I have been trying several different ways to create my own slide show using buttons and animation because I don’t quite like the preset ready mag has to offer I want something simple but it seems so out of reach with what ready mag has available without code is there any way I can add more then one click animation to a single shape/picture so that when I click a plus sign button the top layer of three layers of shapes or images moves to the back of the stack of shapes/pictures but still be able to move the next layer to the back of the stack using the same button and also bring the layer back to the front of the stack using a minus button and so on. if you guys have any ideas or suggestions please help me

Mmm, I can’t think of a way to get it done with their animations. The fellas from CommonNinja have cool widgets that are super easy to embed. Might be worth giving a look.