Best Practices - Ready Mag

Hi everyone!

I ran Lighthouse (which was recommended by RM) on my website and several errors continue to come up—ones that appear to be related to RM’s code.

I have tried to fix a few of these problems by inserting code, but I believe they are global issues and not ones that I can fix alone. I’d love to be wrong. :slight_smile:

Under BEST PRACTICES, two major issues are continually flagged.

  • Deprecated APIs (including DOMSubtreeModified, DOMNodeInserted, DOMNodeRemoved, `DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument’).
  • No CSP found in enforcement mode. The severity is marked “high.” This feature is important to avoid getting hacked.

Any recommendations?

There are several issues under PERFORMANCE, which I care about even more.

One recommendation in Lighthouse was:
“If you are server-side rendering any React components, consider using renderToPipeableStream() or renderToStaticNodeStream() to allow the client to receive and hydrate different parts of the markup instead of all at once. Learn more.”

Does anyone have experience adjusting their sites to improve performance scores? The biggest issue I have is with the big block of text (not the full-screen images!).


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@Readymag @Mike @Misha @HEADLESS.HORSE ??

Hi @TCB @neueMeta !

Some of the Lighthouse recommendations can be addressed by users, while others cannot and depend on the platform’s architecture. We have been working on redesigning our viewer for quite some time. Currently, we are in the testing phase, and we need to ensure that everything works correctly for all users after the launch. This is a very lengthy and meticulous phase.

We can only offer you the opportunity to join this phase and see the improvements. However, we cannot yet guarantee that it will work 100% correctly.

If you would like to participate in the testing, please write to, and they will enable the option to activate the new viewer for you.


Amazing, thank you. I’ll write support. My site is ultimately pretty simple:

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