.svg color change on hover not working

Having trouble with what should be the most simple thing. I’m just trying to have an .svg change color on hover in my full cover menu. It’s just not working. Only turning to about 80% opacity. After I click on disco ball, the ball drops down through the hole on the bottom and then reappears in a “room” where I will add some lighting effects.

This is the code i dropped into my CSS after finding the Data ID number. Any help would be much appreciated.

All menu options would be brought in as .svg. I’m confused as to why this isn’t a built in feature by now. Changing color, especially to .svg’s should be an option, or?

Here is my code after I found the DATA ID

data-id=“63ca92185421d1001b598bd2” :hover{
color: #FCB6D9; !important;

When using brackets to copy and paste the code into here “data-id=…” isn’t showing. But, I do have brackets