Google fonts not showing when site is published

Hi all, my Google fonts (Nunito and Playfair Display) are not displaying properly once I publish the site - they turn to Arial instead.

I would assume that they would display okay as they are not custom fonts.

Does anyone know how to solve this please? :no_mouth:

do you have any browser extension installed, that might block the connection?
Sometimes adblockers and such are blocking this.

You could also open up a “private browser window” and check if the fonts are loading. The private browser window is disabling the ectension.

I have this same issue of a google font changing on published site. I tested in private browser and still same issue… :frowning: could I get some help? I’m still on the free version for now but am deciding if this will work before paying…

Hello! Please report this to our support team at

I was having the same issue and contacted support. They told me the issue was that my text styles were not updated. This link shows you how to update your text styles: [Dropbox - Updating Text Styles basic - Simplify your life]
And you must click republish in Project Settings after making those changes for the changes to apply.
Readymag • Jackie's Portfolio • Edit - Google Chrome 4_19_2024 7_29_19 PM

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I’m having the same problem! Even changing the font style doesn’t solve the problem :frowning: