Fixed widget not on all pages?


I wonder if there is a solution to make some widgets “fixed” and “above all” not on all pages, but only a few? Or would it be possible to write a custom code for this?

I need it for making a site bilangual and the menu which consists of fixed widgets should ony appear in one language on some pages and another on the other pages if that was understandable?

Found this on the description pages of readymag now" If you want a widget to appear on several but not all pages click the eye icon next to the widget in the Widgets (Q) panel to hide it on any particular page"

which is great for what i was looking for, but i wonder if there also is a way to hide a widget on several pages at the same time?

That’s the way to do it.

  1. Select on all pages
  2. Manually hide them on each page clicking the eye icon.
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