Adding mix-blend-mode to a div-specific cursor

I have a website where I have a div with text that has a custom cursor that activates when hovering over the div text. Obviously, I used the built-in Readymag feature to upload a .png as the custom cursor for that specific div element, I was wondering if there was a way to add the mix-blend-mode property to that custom cursor png

I identified where the code for the cursor is, but I’m having a hard time adding that mix-blend-mode property to it with the custom code widget. This is what the div element looks like:

div class=“rmwidget widget-text-v3” data-id=“6412568cb024be002240694b” style=“left: 67px; top: 224px; width: 644px; height: 720px; z-index: 303; cursor: -webkit-image-set(url(“”) 1x, url(“”) 2x), auto;

This is the code for the cursor but I don’t know how to add the mix-blend-mode property to this, essentially.