I am trying to implement this script for a mouse interaction. If I disable RM’s “scale layout” it works great, also no problem on the mobile, but with the “scale layout” enabled (which I would like to keep), the interaction is offset from the cursor and trails further away from it as it goes down and right on screen. I understand it has something to do with zoom but I cannot figure out how to amend my code for a solution (even a hacky one). Pls help!
link to page:
x, Katri
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.3.1/p5.min.js"></script>
setTimeout(function() {
const container = document.querySelector('[data-id="663cb25c5126de0021b88ffb"]');
new p5((p) => {
let canvas;
p.setup = function() {
canvas = p.createCanvas(container.clientWidth, container.clientHeight);
p.draw = function() {
if (p.mouseIsPressed) {
function sprayPaint(p) {
p.stroke(0, 0, 0, 255);
const mouseXAdjusted = p.mouseX - canvas.elt.offsetLeft;
const mouseYAdjusted = p.mouseY - canvas.elt.offsetTop;
const speed = p.abs(mouseXAdjusted - p.pmouseX) + p.abs(mouseYAdjusted - p.pmouseY);
const minRadius = 10;
const sprayDensity = 80;
const r = speed + minRadius;
const rSquared = r * r;
const lerps = 10;
for (let i = 0; i < lerps; i++) {
const lerpX = p.lerp(mouseXAdjusted, p.pmouseX, i / lerps);
const lerpY = p.lerp(mouseYAdjusted, p.pmouseY, i / lerps);
for (let j = 0; j < sprayDensity; j++) {
const randX = p.random(-r, r);
const randY = p.random(-1, 1) * p.sqrt(rSquared - randX * randX);
p.point(lerpX + randX, lerpY + randY);
}, '[data-id="663cb25c5126de0021b88ffb"]');
}, 500);